
Crédito de la foto: Emilie Sfez

Passerelles-Théâtre is a professional company that creates contemporary theater shows. Always based on societal issues, the company defend an accessible and demanding theater.
 Convinced that theater has its place in the city, the company, Passerelles-Théâtre has also developed many projects in connection with the territory and its population since its establishment in Normandy (France) in 2011. In a concern of exchanges and accessibility, of circulation between cultural actions and artistic creation, we recognize that its attentive approach to the relationship with the public bears its fruits on the intimate of the individuals-citizens.  With her experience in cultural actions with a varied public, including people over 65 years old, Clotilde Labbé, director of the association, wishes to put her artistic and public expertise to good use in this European project. .

Glasgow Clyde College - 25.000 estudiantes. Valores: "Centrados en las personas, pioneros, con principios y apasionados". Somos: inquebrantables en nuestra expectativa de comportarnos de forma abierta, respetuosa e integra; inquietos en nuestro deseo de ser innovadores, ambiciosos, con visión de futuro y valientes en la búsqueda de la creación de una enseñanza inspiradora que anime a los estudiantes y al personal a alcanzar su máximo potencial.

Associazione N.E.T. es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro fundada en 2001 por expertos en el sector de la formación y la educación. La asociación se dirige principalmente a grupos desfavorecidos y colabora con instituciones a nivel local y regional, pero no sólo en esos niveles, ya que, Associazione N.E.T. es muy activa en el tercer sector desarrollando actividades autosostenibles, de comercio justo y para el desarrollo de una economía sostenible a través del microcrédito, gracias a la colaboración con cooperativas y asociaciones del sector privado que en Italia sustituyen al sector público en muchas situaciones. Entre los objetivos de la asociación están el autoemprendimiento sostenible y ético, el medio ambiente, la agricultura orgánica y biodinámica, la cocina ética y saludable, el turismo sostenible.

36,6 Centro de Competencia (con sede en Łódź - ciudad de la industria cinematográfica y las empresas creativas situada en el centro de POLONIA) es una institución que reúne a profesionales de muchos campos creando una zona de expertos interdisciplinarios para el desarrollo local a través del intercambio de experiencias internacionales. Fue creada en 2011 por profesionales con formación académica y experiencia en proyectos de la UE desde 1999. Proporcionamos educación no reglada junto con con orientación y asesoramiento a numerosos grupos objetivo. 36,6 coordinó el proyecto Erasmus+ "Acting Up", de tres años de duración, centrado en el uso del teatro en la educación de adultos: El proyecto pretendía aprovechar el potencial de las técnicas teatrales
para aumentar la motivación de los estudiantes adultos. Desde entonces nos hemos convertido en un actor importante en el ámbito de la promoción de las producciones teatrales de aficionados como herramienta para atraer diferentes beneficiarios. Los talleres y seminarios basados en el teatro forman parte de nuestra oferta de formación, que se imparte regularmente tanto en modo tradicional como en línea.

At ETIC_Algarve we promote the hungry spirit in constant restlessness, because we believe this to be the only way of feeding creativity.

In this school we look for the constant challenge of innovation and for that purpose we count with a committed team, in a relaxed environment, but not less demanding to minister training of excellency in the fields of Design, Photography, Sound & Music, Video, Videogames, Web & Communication.

Located in the heart of the city of Faro, ETIC_Algarve is one of the creative lungs in the region, in a space where creativity is lived and breathed, but also the discipline and working ability, in a multipurpose and multifaceted space, in which we strive for an environment that promotes the freedom to create.

The constant search for innovation and for improving the conditions given to our students has took ETIC_Algarve to give a larger stride in Europe, be it through Erasmus+ Internships, with a 3 month duration in several European cities, or through the establishment of pedagogical protocols that allow students to obtain Level 6 of the European Qualification Framework, through the progression of their studies in European Higher Schools."

Foundation of Agency for Social Service is a non-governmental organization, primarily active in the field of social welfare, assistance of disabled people and education of adults. In addition to the headquarters in Warsaw, the Foundation has three branches, in Plock, Torun and Gdynia. FASS primarily pursues social services, educational services and mentoring services. It employs an average of 50 people. Expertise relates specifically to social services provided to the elderly, sick and disabled and for the benefit of families and children. As well as professional reintegration of people in a difficult situation and adult education.

FASS for 10 years has taken action to ensure a decent life of disabled people and other often excluded members of society, through various forms of social services. Ensuring the normal functioning of excluded members in society and their social integration into the local environment is a top priority for the Foundation. Linked to this is the continuous stimulation of those disadvantaged groups to actively participate in social life and development of their skills.
The second goal of FASS is professional education of people working in social assistance by building and improving their competencies. Such as apprenticeships and professional practices for caregivers. Qualifying vocational courses and work training..

ACE es una asociación establecida en 2012 en la ciudad de León (España), con el objetivo de promover el aprendizaje permanente. Está integrada por 4 personas con experiencia previa en la gestión de programas europeos en el ámbito público. Todos ellos han formado a estudiantes en varios campos: emprendimiento, igualdad de oportunidades, innovación, agricultura ecológica, e-learning y proyectos de cooperación internacional.